Transforming Together: Authentic Spiritual Mentoring

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Very Eager!!

"When the time came, Jesus said, 'I have been very eager to eat this Passover meal with you before My suffering begins.'" Luke 22:15

The time has come. 2012 is here.

What words would you use to describe 2012?  Allow me to suggest a few.....perhaps....

Uncertain? Pensive? Change? 

It caught my attention that Jesus, in one thought-sentence chose two words to describe His near future:  "eager" and "suffering"

What may we, His Followers, glean from His example?

Here are a few thoughts for us to consider:

Focus: Relationship  "....w/you"  Jesus was focusing on others, not Himself

Future: "before"  Jesus was not allowing Future to rob Him of Now. Instead He was drawing strength from the Present to be utilized in the Future.

Fuel: Jesus valued eating. He valued time w/friends. Both were nourishing.

As we step into 2012 may we, also, pause to consider OUR focus, OUR future, OUR fuel.

On Whom are we focusing?

Where are we living? In the NOW or in the Future?

How are we fueling ourselves? In Him? In Truth?  w/ others on The Journey?

May we each pause to consider such thoughts as we step from one year into the next.

The time has come for such musings.....

Happy New Year!!

Very eager as well,


Monday, December 19, 2011

"Is there room...."

"It's Christmas time....."

          Christmas.  CHRIST-mas.  A purposed time of remembering, honoring, celebrating....

My heart and mind are a bit sad right now, friends. How come? Well, I guess I'm missing celebrating Jesus' birth with other believers a bit. Oh, at home we celebrate! The nativity is front and center on our lawn, under the tree, on the table as well as in our hearts.  Carols softly fill the air with bells and chimes. The angel at the top of our twinkling tree keeps silent vigil....

"So," you may ask, "what's the problem?"  Good question.  Allow me to share.  Sharing, not critiquing....

Don and I went this weekend to meet with other believers.  Instead of lifting our voices in hearty praise and joy for the birth of our King with other like-hearted worshippers, we were reduced to observers, reluctant spectators, listening to one voice lustfully sing unknown lyrics to unfamiliar tunes. Since that means of expression was removed from us, my eyes searched for visual interaction with which to 'come and worship.' Instead of joining shepherds at a lowly manger where mother and child would be seen, there was an artsy-stark-white tree and a few oversized ornaments.  No baby.  No star. No wonder. No awe.

"Don't let the world around you squeeze you into it's mold, but be new and different." Romans 12:1,2

My heart, heavy, is still asking the question, "Whom is influencing who?" 

I invite you to join me in the authentic Christ-mas: Cold-Barn-Birth-Shepherds-Angels-Glory-Radiance-Terrified-Reassurance-Jesus-Joy-Ponder-Treasure

"There is room in my heart Lord Jesus"........

Bending the knee only to Jesus,


Monday, December 5, 2011

#23 Parenting as Leadership: What is involved in leading a fam? Good que...

Friday, December 2, 2011

#22 Christmas Celebration Ideas Part 2

Thursday, December 1, 2011

#21 Christmas Celebration Ideas Part 1