The conversation was one-sided. The person I was with was repeating, for the third time, their financial situation. Someone had done them wrong. Defaulted payments which, in turn, were putting them in discomfort, perhaps in jeprody. Not good.
I understood. I was feeling frustration and a bit of uncertainty in my own life as well. In these current times, perhaps no one is exempt. Her remarks were reasonable, understandable, acceptable.
So, why was I feeling devalued, empty, and yes, a bit upset when our time together was over?
Upon reflecting, I think I know why:
There was no interest in anything or anyone beyond herself. She was totally absorbed in her situation, her world, her pain, her potential loss, her...
A basic biblical principle had been violated.
Scripture teaches us: "Carry one another's burdens" Galatians 6:2
The art of "one anothering" is a not privilege. It is a command to Christ-Followers that manifests itself as a gift. Jesus understands the value of "carrying." To those who reach out, uphold and share; it is beautiful. It adds to life. It quiets the spirit and calms the soul.
Conversely, to other's whose main and perhaps, single thought, is themself, it is tragic. It is 'less.' It is disobedience. How exhausting to be driven by Self-Need.
So, what do we do in these uncertain times? How does one carry another's burdens?
I would recommend the following:
1. Pray. Tell God.
2. Thank Him for what He already has in mind for you.
3. Focus on the options before you, instead of repeating, over and over the wrong done you.
3. Ask others how they are doing in these tough times. Show interest.
4. Pray with them as well.
God is in control. Our future is secure in Him, come what may.
What brings God the most glory during uncertainty is how we choose to walk through rough times, not the absence of them. Who is Life all about, anyway?
The choice is daily.
Choosing to carry, Ele