Transforming Together: Authentic Spiritual Mentoring
12-56 "EXAMPLE: To be one, to follow another.
12-54 "What in the world are you doing?!"
12-53 "Missed Chances" How to live w/ as FEW regrets as CA...
"TRUTH vs. Tolerance" When is 'far enough' too far?
12-51 "Attracting or Repelling?"
12-50 "Strong and Courageous!"
12-49 "Enthusicastic Starter or Committed Completer?"
12-48 "Action or Reaction?"
12-47 "Relationship+Trust=Good choices!"
12-46 "The Kingdom of the LORD": God's way or your will?
12-45 "Inheritance or Legacy?" Food for action!
12-44 "Firmly Established or Abandoning? Your Choice"
12-43 "Given responsibility w/in the fam"
12-42 Family Leadership: Secure or Scary?
12-41 "Counsel or Opinion?" A huge difference!
12-40 "Hidden Treasures w/in your fam"
"How Generous Are you...w/your fam?"
12-38 "How Happy Is Your Fam?"