Transforming Together: Authentic Spiritual Mentoring

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Form One Lane to the Right...

It happened again just recently. We were driving to Flagstaff on Highway 17, cruising along. Signs started to appear..."One Lane Ahead"  Then a very interesting phenomenon began occurring: Drivers began to speed ahead, to vie for who would get in the one lane first.  Some drivers politely complied, forming the one lane to the right in advance. However, there were some, (we know the type...we ARE the type...!)  that sped ahead to then crowd in at the last possible moment, to inch their advance to the one lane.  EVERYONE wanted to get into the one lane to the right....

Fascinating.  Intriguing.  Telling.

People 'get it' on the highways.  They see the advantage, the logic, the opportunity to continue on their journey by getting into the 'one late on the right.'  It's the only way.  It gets one from where they are to where they would like to be!  There is no other way!  No one stops, gets out with a homemade placard and starts protesting, "How narrow-minded!"  "Prove to me that this is the only way!"  "I'll make my own way!"  No one veers to the left with a determined gleam in their eye to make another way.  The lane to the right is full.  Each driver enters the lane to the right....

However, some of these same people, when shown the 'one lane to the right', spiritually, balk. "Why, that's so narrow!  Prove to me that Jesus is the only way! I'll make my own way! There must be MANY ways, not just ONE way!"

Jesus is THE "One lane to the right", my friends.  "I AM the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. NO ONE can get to the Father except through Me!" John 14:7

Not a boast.  A fact. 

 Not narrow.  The only. 

There is no other way.   Jesus is not being exclusive. Just the opposite!! HE IS THE WAY FOR ALL HUMANKIND!!  The "right lane" is there for EVERYONE.  One just needs to take it!

May we 'get in line' with joy and appreciation.  May we be full of gratitude.  For, 'there is a way that SEEMS right' to a human...but that way ends in Death.   Proverbs 14:12

Let's choose LIFE!! Let's 'get in the lane to the Right!'

In the Lane,   Ele

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Step Back in Time

It's been years since we had four little ones in the house night and day, day after day...until this week. Don and I have had the joy (and responsibility!) of four of our grandkiddos. Four. At the same time. All day. All night. Continually...

We raised four kids: three were less than four years apart. Two of those were were 17 months apart. At the time I thought I would remember it all: the short (or long) nights, the continual jabbering, the daily baths, the three (at least) meals a day, the bedtime stories, combing the hair, washing the clothes, planning the meals...the loves, the hugs, the tears, the wipings....

I must admit that over the years all these details have slipped, have softened, have submerged into the recesses of 'past' as the 'current' of life daily rises and falls.

It was 3:09 p.m. The reason I know the exact time is that I was going to take my morning shower...finally...after three days of wanting to take a morning shower.  The house was clean, in a matter of speaking. The kids were bathed and fed...again. The dishwasher was humming and the aroma of fresh chocolate chips wafted through the air. The moment was there and I seized A shower. Alone. Ahhh.... The luxury abruptly ended at 3:21 p.m.  How do I know? The scuttling, laughter and running broke the illusion.  I was, again, "on call."

What have I relearned through continual time with four of my grandchildren? The importance of 'being.' The value of time. The joy of 'consistent.'  I applaud all moms.  My hat is off to Family. May you, 
"mom" rise to the privilege of parenting: love on your kiddos every day, remembering that this, too, will pass.  Your investment in time, energy and focus is worthy.  One day you will look back on this moment, this day.  May that future you be pleased with the mom you are now.