"Bedebe-boop" the sound my phone makes when a text appears was heard. The plane was still on the tar mack rolling into it's appointed bay. Phone were heard clicking and singing themselves back to life. We had just landed.
I pulled my phone out, opened it up and read the following, "I am w/a friend who's 21-yr old son was killed in motorcycle accident last night..1st, asking 4 prayers. 2nd, I forgot my Bible. Could u send me a couple verses I can share?"
A few hours later, early the next morning, my phone made the same "bedebe-boop" sound. Another text. This was from another friend, "My hubby hit black ice on the way to work this morning...flipped the truck..he just called me in shock saying he doesn't know if he is hurt and ambulance is on the way...please help me pray!!!!!!! I'm not panicking, please just shoot up a prayer with me."
Texting: Friend or Foe? Neither. It's a neutral tool. How it is utilized determines if it is helpful or hurtful.
Why do I share this with you? Because I am reminded, daily, that we as Christ-Followers are IN the world but NOT OF this world's system! What does that mean? It means we can utilize ALL that this world offers...FOR CHRIST'S GLORY!!! That's why I Facebook. Actually, I have two Facebook accounts; a semi-personal one and one for those who have read Transforming Together and appreciate spiritual "shorts." I'm on Twitter. Yes, I tweet! Why? Because I have little to do? No..... because those 'tweets' are read by over 9,000 people a week! Do I know them all? That would be a "no." Does it matter. Again, that would be a "no"...BECAUSE JESUS KNOWS WHO THEY ARE and HE IS WHAT TRULY MATTERS!!!
So, back to texting. Yes, it costs a bit more. (I pay for each text as they come and go...works economically better for me....) Yes, it can be 'abused' and is....JUST LIKE ANY OTHER TOOL. However, it can also be UTILIZED FOR CHRIST'S GLORY. The above texts are witnesses to that.
Also, I know the vast majority of you who read this will not respond to me...AND THAT'S OKAY! Nearly 200 of you read these blogs each time they are posted. Maybe up to three respond by writing me back. Again...THAT'S OKAY...for IT'S NOT ABOUT ME, BUT ABOUT JESUS!!! THAT'S the response that matters!! How ALL of us, myself included, interact w/JESUS, MATTERS!!
May we choose our battles wisely, friends. May we not "diss" these and other tools God has placed in our hands. May we embrace EVERY means by which HIS NAME can be raised up and glorified.
You need to excuse me now....I'm going to have time in His Living Word w/a friend via skype.....
Bedebe-booping, Ele