God ALWAYS gives us humans options. It's called "free will."
We are invited to join Him in LIFE from HIS PERSPECTIVE
....or we can try to figure it out for ourselves from our point of view.
A major option is how we are choose to think, how we approach life's "curves," that which we cannot see in advance.
The Living Word speaks to that in Philippians 4:6 in particular.
"Don't worry about anything; INSTEAD, PRAY about everything!"
Let's look at this a bit closer, shall we?
"Worry": Concern, distress, anxiety about the known and the unknown!
Isn't that JUST what humans feed on?!!
I know a person who isn't comfortable, isn't content, isn't settled UNLESS she's worrying, fretting, going over, AGAIN AND AGAIN, what was done to her, by whom and how it is affecting her. Her conversation is FULL of worry. Her fitful nights are TESTIMONY to her worry. Her perspective on life REFLECTS her love of worry....and yet she calls herself a Follower of Jesus! Talk about things that make you go "hummmmmmm!"
You see, worry is "SELF-TALK" talking to yourself about whatever it is that is worrying you. "How will I ever get out of this?" "What is our country coming to?" "Should I sell or stay?" Self-talk. Worry.
So, is worry a BAD thing or just a condition of being human?
Worry is a form of IDOLATRY. We put someone else in place of the ALL-KNOWING, the ALL-in-ALL.....we choose to worry. We choose to self-talk, to mull, muse, go over, again and again and again...at the alter of Self.
What is God's option ? INSTEAD of worry (which God knows humans will do) He offers HIS option: Talk to HIM about it!!
How come?
He is GOD. Future, Present, Past are all before Him at the same time.
And the kicker is that He loves you tremendously!!
His desire for you is what will cause you to become more like JESUS.
It's a win-win, folks!!
To worry is a national pastime. To pray is the Christ-Follower's option.
May we step out in this weak world of ours strong, with perspective, clear-minded and FREE of worry, STRONG in HIS PERSPECTIVE!!
Taking HIS option,