Being Salt and Light!! What does THAT mean?!!
Jesus sat down to teach a bit. He was introing a new way of living, of life. Part way through His teaching He paused as if to say, "Oh, by the way, there are 2 ways I would like you to be of influence while in this world."
Let's look at those 2 influences:
1. "Be salt." What does that mean? Salt is very small. It is not good alone. It's purpose is to BRING OUT THE BEST in something else. Application: BRING OUT THE BEST IN OTHERS. ENHANCE!
2. Then Jesus went on to say, "You are the light of the world!" Light IS. Light doesn't talk, impose, butt just IS. HOW are we to be light? Jesus clarified that for us. ""Let your GOOD DEEDS SHINE OUT for all to see, so that everyone will praise YOU!! Ehhhh.....does it really say that? No! "Let your GOOD DEEDS SHINE OUT for all to see, so that everyone will praise YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER!"
So, in very specific ways we are to ENHANCE others, BRINGING OUT THEIR BEST.
We are also to, in very general ways, BE EFFECTIVE, by our lifestyle!!
How about you? What do YOU think about being 'salt' and 'light?'