Transforming Together: Authentic Spiritual Mentoring

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Being Salt and Light!! What does THAT mean?!!

Jesus sat down to teach a bit.  He was introing a new way of living, of life.  Part way through His teaching He paused as if to say, "Oh, by the way, there are 2 ways I would like you to be of influence while in this world."

Let's look at those 2 influences:

1. "Be salt." What does that mean? Salt is very small. It is not good alone. It's purpose is to BRING OUT THE BEST in something else.  Application: BRING OUT THE BEST IN OTHERS. ENHANCE!

2.  Then Jesus went on to say, "You are the light of the world!"  Light IS.  Light doesn't talk, impose, butt just IS.  HOW are we to be light?  Jesus clarified that for us. ""Let your GOOD DEEDS SHINE OUT for all to see, so that everyone will praise YOU!!  Ehhhh.....does it really say that?  No!  "Let your GOOD DEEDS SHINE OUT for all to see, so that everyone will praise YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER!"

So, in very specific ways we are to ENHANCE others, BRINGING OUT THEIR BEST.
We are also to, in very general ways, BE EFFECTIVE, by our lifestyle!!

How about you?  What do YOU think about being 'salt' and 'light?'


Friday, April 16, 2010


I just said good bye to a friend.  She had come to "be" for a few days.
Some "stuff" was stirring in her soul; good stirrings, deep stirrings, and, at times,
painful stirrings.
She had come, hopeful of finding someone to help with the stirrings.

Friendship.  What a gift!  The invitation to enter a life, to sit and "be" with another.

How are we 'being' in this area of life?

Seems like many struggle with friendship; what it is....what it is not.....
who to invite in, who to ask to leave....

Perhaps the "glue", the "substance" of a friendship ought to be revisited.

If the purpose of the friendship is to "be", truly "be", then that friendship will last a lifetime
and beyond.

If the purpose of the friendship is to "do", to "fix", to add to "me", to "something other than be", then that friendship is in constant jeprody of running its course and, in due time, passing away.

May you, may I, continue learning to "be" in the life of others.....
and invite others to "be" in our lives.....
It is so very needful.



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Remembered and Discussed" OR "Remembered in Disgust!"

She knew what she would do. She had to do it.  HE meant so much to her and this would be her way of showing Him just how much.  She would do it!

She walked into the house.  It wasn't her home, but she entered as though it was.  She was a woman with a mission.  She had her alabaster jar; she had seen it every day for years as it sat in the same place ....waiting to be chosen, broken and poured out....on her...but it was not to  be.  The valuable, fragrant contents would be poured out on the Worthy One, on Jesus!

She approached Him, walking past His disciples.  They looked at her with questions on their faces: "Who is this woman?"  "Why is she here?"  What does she have in her hands?"  And then, with throught-motivated movements, she opened the jar and began pouring the expensive contents on His head.  She was anointing Him.

The disciples couldn't react quick enough.  By the time words found their way from their thoughts to their mouths the deed was done.  All the oil had been poured out. Jesus was anointed. She had done what she purposed to do: give her best, pour out her future onto Him. She smiled.  "Whaaaat....what have you done?!"  The words flowed from the disciples mouths piercing the quite moment with anger.  "Whhhhhy, we could have sold the contents of your alabaster jar and given the proceeds to the poor......(you foolish woman!)"  Those last words were not uttered but breathed out in their disgust of her.

Jesus spoke into their disdain. "Who are you to criticize her for doing such a good thing?  Opportunities to help the poor are before you every day.  But you will not always have Me here.  She has poured this perfume on Me to prepare My body for burial.  I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman's deed will be remembered and discussed."

And here we are, today, remembering and discussing her deed.  The disciples were "in disgust" with her for the 'waste.'  They were repremanded by Jesus Himself for this.

And you: What does what she did mean to you?  Anything? What life-lesson is taught by this interaction between the woman and her Lord?



*Author of "Transforming Together" a book on authentic spiritual mentoring available on  I am available for speaking and/or giving workshops on a variety of subjects.  If interested please contact me through this blog.

"Remembered and Discussed" OR "Remembered in Disgust!"

She knew what she would do. She had to do it.  HE meant so much to her and this would be her way of showing Him just how much He meant to her.  She would do it!

She walked into the house.  It wasn't her home, but she entered as though it was.  She was a woman with a mission.  She had her alabaster jar; she had seen it every day for years as it sat in the same place for years....waiting to be chosen, broken and poured out....on her...but it was not to  be.  The valuable, fragrant contents would be poured out on the Worthy One, on Jesus!

She approached Him, walking past His disciples.  They looked at her with questions on their faces: "Who is this woman?"  "Why is she here?"  What does she have in her hands?"  And then, with throught-motivated movements, she opened the jar and began pouring the expensive contents on His head.  She was anointing Him.

The disciples couldn't react quick enough.  By the time words found their way from their thoughts to their mouths the deed was done.  All the oil had been poured out. Jesus was anointed. She had done what she purposed to do: give her best, pour out her future onto Him. She smiled.  "Whaaaat....what have you done?!"  The words poured from the disciples mouths piercing the quite moment with anger.  "Whhhhhy, we could have sold the contents of your alabaster jar and given the proceeds to the poor......(you foolish woman!)"  Those last words were not uttered but breathed out in their disgust of her.

Jesus spoke into their disdain. "Who are you to criticize her for doing such a good thing?  Opportunities to help the poor are before you every day.  But you will not always have Me here.  She has poured this perfume on Me to prepare My body for burial.  I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman's deed will be remembered and discussed."

And here we are, today, remembering and discussing her deed.  The disciples were "in disgust" with her for the 'waste.'  They were repremanded by Jesus Himself for this.

And you: What does what she did mean to you?  Anything? What life-lesson is taught by this interaction between the woman and her Lord?



*Author of "Transforming Together" a book on authentic spiritual mentoring available on  She is available for speakin and giving workshops on a variety of subjects.  If interested please contact me through this blog.