Resolve to Resolute
2010 is almost here.
Man, how did THAT happen?
Seems as though 2009 just got humming!!
So, how do YOU begin the New Year?
Par-tay har-tay?
Sleep it in?
Watch "the ball" drop in New York City on t.v.?
However you celebrate the New Year, one thing is certain:
It will come!
So, what are you "resoluting" this year?
Lose those holiday pounds?
Be a better person?
Visit Europe?
Whatever it is, it takes resolve to resolute!
You see, it's one thing to make a list (written or thought.)
It's quite another to actually have change occur!
What makes the difference? Resolve.
Resolve is to PURPOSE, to WILL something to be.
Resolute is to make a decision that something needs to change.
We see Jesus doing that at the cross: He RESOLVED to BE the Answer for the sad
condition of humanity. He PURPOSED, He WILLED to follow-though on what needed to be.
So, my friend, are you resolving to resolute this year?
Making that list?
May I encourage you to pray it though...give it thought....make it purposefully.
Jesus is already in 2010 waiting for us.
He will walk us through 2009 as we bid it farewell.
May we BE, in 2010, Who Jesus would have us be....
what this crumbling culture needs us to be.....
Resolved to resolute for His glory,