They forget your birthday.
The call never comes.
She pulls away for no reason.
He stops talking to you.
Disappointment: The failure to satisfy hope when expectations are not realized.
Been there, right?
It's not a good feeling. It hurts. It devalues. It robs strength and exposes the vunerable in us.
What are our options when humans disappoint us (and they certainly will!)
1. Blame
2. Pull away
3. Learn how to disappoint others from their example
4. Become cynical, self-protective
5. Stop interacting
I'm sure you can add to the list, but we get the idea.
Disappointment, if allowed to take root, reaps bitter fruit for all involved.
How does the Living Word handle disappointment?
Straight on.
"They counted on [it] but are disappointed. When they arrived, their hopes are dashed." Job. 6:20
"First here, then there- you flit from one to another asking for help. But your new friends will disappoint you just as [the old ones] did before!" Jeremiah 2:36
God knows that humans WILL disappoint other humans. But the Living Word doesn't stop there!!
"They cry to Me and are saved; in Me they trust are are not disappointed!" Psalm 22:5
"Those who hope in Me will not be disappointed!" Isiah 49:23
So, my friend, what to do with disappointment?
1. Make sure that our HOPE is in the right Source!! ONLY Jesus is worthy of our hope, in that desire to be fulfilled.
2. Adjust expectations. Humans have GREAT INTENTIONS, but rarely, if ever, are able of completely fulfilling those intentions.
3. Fill that empty place inside of you with TRUTH! Get in the Living Word so that it 'gets' in you!!
You will find that those disappointments are slowly replaced with perspective, with strength, with kindness, with desire.
Full of His Hope,
(If you would like to interact on this or any other subject, please feel free to contact me through this blog. Continue in His Grace. Ele)
~ a great reminder, Ele.
Thanks, Glenda. Already have an "appointment" to hear another's heart on the matter. So many of us walk around in a state of mild depression because of disappointment...we end up being angry w/ God because we think HE could/should do 'something' about it!! That's where Truth clarifies for us, doesn't it?!
Enjoying YOUR blog so much!!! Keep up the fun ministry!!
Love to you, Ele
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