Transforming Together: Authentic Spiritual Mentoring

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Julie and Julia

Delightful! Inspiring. Motivating. Also challenging. A young woman drawing strength, determination and growing character from the example of an older woman. Mentoring, w/o even knowing it!

Who's watching you? Who are YOU watching?! It works both ways. We can't just slip through life w/o affecting another or being affected by another.

Watch the movie. Hop on and comment. I'm here and would love to interact with you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I hate to admit it, I didn't like the movie as much as I thought I would. I guess I thought the movie would show more of the actual cooking of the dishes. I didn't like the character of Julie in the movie and now that I have actually read the blog by Julie Powell I see why. I have tried to give her the benefit of the doubt by watching her interviews, still don't like her. I can see why Julia Child would have the opinion that Julie was not "respectful" or a serious cook. The movie and blog are about Julie's feelings about the project and not so much the success of the dishes.

August 22, 2009 at 7:40 PM  
Blogger Transforming Together said...

Expectations have a lot to do with liking or disliking something. You evidently had the expectation that this movie would be more about the actual cooking of the dishes as well as about the success (or failures) of the dishes made throughout the year's project. To have that in your mind before viewing it would cause one to feel at bit let-down with the movie.
Also, you stated that you didn't like the character of Julie in the movie or even after reading her blog. That would also dampen your liking of the movie. Sorry that it was "less" for you than you had hoped.

You sound like someone who is serious about loving cooking! Wonderful! How would YOUR blog be if you did a blog about cooking?
What recipe book from famous chef would you try to do a year's worth of meals? I'd love to know!!

August 23, 2009 at 4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ele, Unfortunately (maybe) I did it in reverse. I watched the movie then read the blog,watched the interviews and read other postings by Julie Powell just in case I missed something. I am sure my family would be less excited about my "cooking" and blog than the most disappointed attendee of Julie and Julia. Please forgive me if you think I am "bashing" this movie or it's writer, this is not my intent at all.

I do enjoy cooking. Maybe not the most famous but certainly the most enjoyed chefs are our southern grandmothers and great grandmothers. A years worth of cherished family recipes would be the most fun and may possibly ruin my family and my size 4 jeans. It may have to be followed by a year of a jog blog.

August 25, 2009 at 7:32 PM  
Blogger Transforming Together said...

Glad to hear back from you! Sounds like your cook book would be more in demand that Julie's! Southern ANYTHING sounds mighty fine to me! Hope you're jotting down those special dishes that have no recipes, the family ones that we want to keep. What a GREAT Christmas gift THAT would make!! My grown kids remind me frequently how cherished "those" dishes are as they zip emails my way asking, "how much of this?" or "what makes it taste 'just so'?"
LOVE your idea of a "jog blog." You may have something there....:)

August 28, 2009 at 2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved the movie julie and julia. made me miss paris and made me want to go home and cook something delicious. my favorite cookbook author is ina garten (the barefoot contessa). love her philosophy of hospitality. we all have so much to learn from each other, which is why i love mentoring. just discovered you blog this morning, ele, and will become a regular reader. blessings on your ministry. glenda childers

September 2, 2009 at 8:26 AM  
Blogger Transforming Together said...

Welcome, Glenda! Good to have you here! We're just getting started on blogging so come on in and sit a spell!! Invite others to join us as well!! There's much to share, more to learn.....
Love to you, Ele

September 3, 2009 at 6:00 PM  

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